Star Wars Movie Party (A New Hope)

Star Wars Movie Party (A New Hope)

The movie that struck the imagination of an entire generation. See it once again on the big screen and take a journey back to 1977.

Event details

Address: 905 E. Third Street, Dayton, OH 45402 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sun, Nov 21 2021)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *

Star Wars Movie Party (A New Hope)

Dayton Dinner Theater presents Star Wars IV - A New Hope

Come celebrate the original show that started it all

  • Watch Star Wars IV - A New Hope on the big screen
  • Themed food, drinks
  • Live music
  • Costume and trivia contests

The Brightside Event & Music Venue

Star Wars Movie Party (A New Hope) is taking place at The Brightside Event & Music Venue, which is located at 905 E. Third Street in Dayton. The Brightside Event & Music Venue - The Brightside is a beautifully renovated industrial event space for music, weddings and events, located in the heart of Downtown Dayton.

Dayton Dinner Theater.

Dayton Dinner Theater - Enjoy an interactive movie experience featuring classic films with Chef-inspired themed food, cocktails, live Jazz, trivia, and costume competitions at Brightside Event Venue.

Dayton Events Calendar

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