Elvis Birthday Bash!

Elvis Birthday Bash!

Inspired by an Elvis performance he attended when 10 years old, Ryan Roth has since steadily worked toward a professional singing career.

Event details

Venue: Gilly's Jazz
Address: 132 S. Jefferson St, Dayton, OH 45401 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Jan 14 2017)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $10

Elvis Birthday Bash!

Ryan Roth – Elvis Tribute at Gilly's, Downtown Dayton
Inspired by an Elvis performance he attended when 10 years old, Ryan Roth has since steadily worked toward a professional singing career. He was headlining an rock oldies show at Cedar Point by the age of 20.
He won "Be a Star” performing on TNN in 1994. Since then he has devoted himself to performing as Elvis, his greatest musical influence, bringing the excitement and entertainment to Elvis fans across the USA with a powerful tribute to the King.

Gilly's Jazz

Elvis Birthday Bash! is taking place at Gilly's Jazz, which is located at 132 S. Jefferson St in Dayton. Gilly's Jazz - Gilly's was Dayton's premier jazz and blues night club. It opened in 1972 and closed December 31, 2017, following the death of owner Jerry Gillotti.

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