Contra Dance - Community Dance - April 7th
Join us to dance or sit & listen to some of the best bands and callers in the area. No experience necessary, all ages welcome, no partner needed. The caller teaches all dances. Masks req.
Event details
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Contra Dance - Community Dance - April 7th
Let the rhythms lift your feet and your spirits! Join us on first Fridays to dance, socialize, or just sit and listen to some of the best bands and callers in the region. No experience is necessary, all ages are welcome and you don’t need to bring a partner. The caller teaches all dances before they start. Live music at every dance.
7:30 PM – Free lesson, all encouraged to come early
8 – 11 PM – Contra dancing
We will follow the same sort of protocols that are in place at the Cincinnati and Columbus dances: proof of vaccination and quality masks are required to join us in the building. More details
What is contra dancing? Taken from: which has more details and videos
Contra dance differs from Square dance in that Contra dance is done in lines rather than in a 4-couple square. Many of the terms are the same in both Contra and Square dancing, so if you remember any of the terms from old school days or previous occasions you’re already halfway there. Now and then, a Contra dance caller may even call a Square dance or two during the evening’s dance.
Footwork in Contra dancing is very simple. Generally it’s just a walking step to the music.
Links & Tags
The Michael Solomon Pavilion
Dayton Contra Dance Parties.
Dayton Contra Dance Parties - Join us to dance or just sit and listen to some of the best bands and callers in the area. No experience necessary, all ages welcome, no partner needed. We dance first Fridays Oct to May.