Lebanon Independence Day Celebration

Lebanon Independence Day Celebration

City of Lebanon Independence Day Parade at 4pm, Fireworks show to launch at 10 PM.

Event details

Event by: City of Lebanon
Add to Google calendar Wed, Jul 03 2024 4:00pm - 10:00pm
Wed, Jul 03 2024 4:00pm - 10:00pm

Lebanon Independence Day Celebration

scroll down for photos

Independence Day Parade in Lebanon

Celebrate our Nation's independence with a family-friendly parade in Downtown Lebanon!  Check our website below for details.

Independence Day Fireworks in Lebanon

LightUp Lebanon starts at 6 pm in Colonial Park West! LightUp Lebanon is a free family-fun event that features a petting zoo, balloon animals, games and bounce houses, and live music from The Bourbon Road Band. LightUp Lebanon parking is available at the Warren County Fairgrounds, right across from Colonial Park West. Handicap parking is available at the park.

Photos: Lebanon Independence Day Celebration

Light Up Lebanon Independence Day Parade & Fireworks

Light Up Lebanon Independence Day Parade & Fireworks
Independence Day Parade & Fireworks, July 3

City of Lebanon.

City of Lebanon - Official City Website.

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