$2 Tuesdays at Poelking Lanes

$2 Tuesdays at Poelking Lanes

$2 games of bowling and $2 shoe rentals

Event details

Address: 1403 Wilmington Ave., Dayton, OH 45420 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Tue, Dec 17 2019)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $2

$2 Tuesdays at Poelking Lanes

Join us at Poelking Lanes on Tuesdays where it's only $2 per game per person and $2 for shoe rentals per person.

Links & Tags

Poelking Bowling

$2 Tuesdays at Poelking Lanes is taking place at Poelking Bowling, which is located at 1403 Wilmington Ave. in Dayton. Poelking Bowling - We feature (4) modern bowling centers complete with state-of-the-art scoring and bumpers on every lane.

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