Chancers presented by Dayton Theatre Guild

Chancers is a fast and furious comedy, set in Ireland, about the lengths we will go to when our backs are against the wall. Presented by Dayton Theatre Guild Mar. 28–Apr. 13, 2025
CHANCERS by Robert Massey is a dark comedy set in County Kildare, Ireland
Fri Mar 28, 2025 - Sun Apr 13, 2025
Shop owners Aiden and Dee are down and out and on the verge of losing everything. One lucky customer has their ticket out of the poorhouse—they just need to get their hands on it without her knowing.
CHANCERS by Robert Massey is a fast and furious comedy set in 2014 County Kildare, Ireland. The country is still reeling from the 2008 recession which followed the economic Celtic Tiger boom of the previous two decades. Aiden and Dee are married with kids and are barely scraping by, trying to keep their corner convenience store and their family from total bankruptcy. Their friend J.P . is in even worse shape, drifting from one get-rich scheme to the next. Gertie is a cranky, nosy older woman who has done quite well for herself financially through her miserly ways and cutthroat land deals. A winning lottery ticket in Gertie's possession becomes the center of the plot and the central question of the play: When being a good person gets you nothing, how far will you go when your back is against the wall?