Dayton Ballet - Sapphire Celebration

Dayton Ballet - Sapphire Celebration

Dayton Ballet - Sapphire Celebration, a captivating work from internationally acclaimed choreographer Ma Cong.

Event details

Address: 138 North Main St., Dayton, OH 45402 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sun, Feb 13 2022)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *

Dayton Ballet - Sapphire Celebration

Sapphire Celebration

Dayton Ballet hails Karen Russo Burke’s 10th Anniversary as Artistic Director with this blue sapphire celebration! The full company pushes the boundaries of technique and conversation of dance with stunning ballets, including Light Rain, a universal audience favorite by Gerald Arpino of the Joffrey Ballet, and Calling, a captivating work from internationally acclaimed choreographer Ma Cong.

Links & Tags

Victoria Theatre

Dayton Ballet - Sapphire Celebration is taking place at Victoria Theatre, which is located at 138 North Main St. in Dayton. Victoria Theatre - Live Performances in an elegant, historic theatre located in downtown Dayton Ohio. Can accommodate up to 1,100 for meetings, 120 for banquets.

Dayton Performing Arts Alliance.

Dayton Performing Arts Alliance - The Philharmonic, Ballet, and Opera create art that celebrates life in the Dayton community.

Dayton Ballet.

Dayton Ballet - Founded in 1937, Dayton Ballet, the second-oldest ballet company in the United States is known for its innovative and collaborative endeavors.

Dayton Events Calendar

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