Settler Survival Camp at Dayton History

Experience a week long adventure of life in the Miami Valley from an early settler's perspective. Ages 8-12. Fees Apply. Advance reservations required.
Event details
Venue: Dayton History
Address: 1000 Carillon Blvd., Dayton, OH 45409 [Map/directions]
Cost: $215.00 per Non-Member | $200.00 per Dayton History Member ($10.00 discount for multiple children per family)
Settler Survival Camp at Dayton History
Held in late July and early August, Settler Survival Camp at Carillon Historical Park is five days of early settlement fun. The Miami Valley comes to life from an early settler’s perspective during this exciting camp. Learn about period firearms, early travel methods, hearth-cooking, woodworking, textiles, gardening, candle-dipping, and more.
9:00am–4:00pm Daily
- July 7-11
- July 14-18
- July 21-25
For reservations or more information, please contact the Education Scheduling Desk at (937) 293-2841 Ext. 127 or email
Links & Tags
Dayton History
Settler Survival Camp at Dayton History is taking place at Dayton History, which is located at 1000 Carillon Blvd. in Dayton. Dayton History - Dayton History is Montgomery County's official historical organization.