8th Annual Prom Dress Drive

8th Annual Prom Dress Drive

Prom dress drive to collect new & "like new" formal dresses and accessories for our 8th Annual Cinderella Boutique in April.

8th Annual Prom Dress Drive

Modern Day Cinderella Inc. is holding their 8th Annual Prom Dress Drive from February 1st until February 28th. They are accepting donations of new and "like new" dresses, shoes, and accessories. Theses donations will go to help young ladies in the 11th & 12th grade who for whatever reason need assistance through their upcoming Cinderella Boutique. Donations can be dropped off to Wayne High School, Monday-Friday from 8 am-4 pm. Contact: info@mdcinderella.org or (877) 468-3232 for more information.

Modern Day Cinderella Inc..

Modern Day Cinderella Inc. - 501c3 nonprofit organization focused on providing support & guidance for today's young women.
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