Beauty Pics of Aullwood
Springtime Beauty at Aullwood Garden: Spend a spring morning taking photos among blooming flowers, birds and insects, towering trees and a rippling creek.
Event details
Event by: Five Rivers MetroParks
Venue: Aullwood Garden MetroPark
Address: 955 Aullwood Road, Englewood, OH 45414 [Map/directions]
Cost: AGE: 18 and up | $20.00
Daffodils blooms and more at Aullwood Garden Metropark
Come ready to see the carpet of bluebells and other spring wildflowers
Every spring, Aullwood Garden blooms with bright and beautiful daffodils, Virginia bluebells and other colorful flowers. Enjoy a morning of picture-taking in Aullwood's flowerbeds, woods, creek and prairie. Weather Dependent.
Links & Tags
Aullwood Garden MetroPark
Beauty Pics of Aullwood is taking place at Aullwood Garden MetroPark, which is located at 955 Aullwood Road in Englewood. Aullwood Garden MetroPark - This nationally recognized, historic estate garden is rich in plant diversity, habitats and tranquility.
Five Rivers MetroParks.
Five Rivers MetroParks - Five Rivers MetroParks protects the region's natural heritage and provides outdoor experiences that inspire a personal connection with nature. Bike rentals are available.