Cue the Hue! Color Fun Run
Colors everywhere! Learn about some of nature's most colorful and vibrant animals and plants. Visit color powder stations along the way! There will be a one-mile course plus a 100-meter dash option for ages 10 and under.
Cue the Hue! Color Fun Run
Colors everywhere! Learn about some of nature's most colorful and vibrant animals and plants. Visit color powder stations along the way! There will be a one-mile course plus a 100-meter dash option for ages 10 and under. The 100-meter dash will begin promptly at 9:30 a.m. Use your favorite fitness tracking app to record your time and share it on our Facebook event page! Frios Ice Pops will be available for purchase at the event.
White/light t-shirt colors are recommended for the most vibrant results. Please be aware that leather and suede tend to stain with the color powder.
This is a Tools to Trek Program. LIZard Apparel and Promotions is generously sponsoring this event, providing t-shirts for the first 100 youth participants registered by March 30. Please register children individually.