The New Old Fashioned

What began as a group of school friends has become a new voice in the Dayton music scene. Today, The New Old Fashioned has taken is form of American Rock to the vinyl with a simple message: be Ohio proud.
The New Old Fashioned
What began as a group of school friends has become a new voice in the Dayton music scene. Today, The New Old Fashioned has taken is form of American Rock to the vinyl with a simple message: be Ohio proud.
We talked to guitarist and songwriter David Payne for a little history of the band and where its new album will lead the Xenia quartet.
Dayton Local: How did the band get together?
David Payne: "Me and Kent Montgomery the other guitarist, and Tom Blackburn the bassist have known each other for a long time, we all grew up in Xenia, and we all sang in the same choir in school, studies under the same vocal directors."
"We met our drummer Jon Chasteen a few years ago and he brought the missing piece to the puzzle. He grew up kind of scattered throughout the U.S. but had some family in Xenia."
DL: Where has it taken you since then?
DP: "We just put an album out in December. We started playing shows out in December 2011 and we spent the better part of the year finishing up writing and recording that record. I had a lot of songs written by the time we even started the band, I was playing the solo before we started, and had a lot of songs I had written during the time."
"We took the rest of the year kind of writing the arrangements. We went to Nashville and worked on the album with Patrick Hines, who owns a studio down there. We had a pretty good response, we're happy with everything we've had going on there, with everything we're hearing back so far, we're looking forward to playing it more this summer."
DL: What kind of music influences you?
DP: "Tom Petty is a big one for me and the rest of the guys, that genuine American rock sound. From the Beach Boys and the Beatles to Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, just the three- and four- part harmonies are a big part of our band. And even in the studio a few times, five or six parts. Harmonies are what we feel we do best. We got to see the Beach Boys reunion last summer which was awesome."
"We have a couple more modern influences as well, the old 97's out of Texas, lots of bands Shrug, Flyaway Minions, The Story Changes, they're all really big for me as a songwriter and us as a band. We learned a lot from those guys."
DL: How has Dayton influences your music?
DP: "I think the whole record has a vibe. When I was writing those songs I was really coming to terms with growing up and being from the Midwest, and accepting it. Just the thought that this is where I'm from, I like it and I'm proud of it. I really like it here, whereas when you're younger, wherever you're from you want to be somewhere that's not that place. It's kind of me deciding that no, I like it here."
DL: Where do you see the band going in the future?
DP: "We're hoping to hit the festival circuit a little bit this summer. We just brought the record out, it's a first release, and we've all played in bands before, this is the first recording we've done that we're super proud of. It's just a matter of getting the record out there and getting the right people to hear it. We're hoping to play a lot of regional shows in the Midwest and get the album into as many ears as we can."
Catch The New Old Fashioned at Canal Street Tavern this Saturday, March 16, 2013.
The New Old Fashioned CD is available for purchase at Check out their Facebook at
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The New Old Fashioned.
The New Old Fashioned - The New Old-Fashioned is a Rock & Roll / Alternative Country band from Dayton, OH.