Kettering's City Manager Announces Plan to Resign

last updated 02/02/2022
Kettering's City Manager Announces Plan to Resign

After 33 years of boundless service to Kettering residents, Kettering businesses and patrons, City Manager Mark Schwieterman announced his resignation.

Kettering's City Manager Announces Plan to Resign

After 33 years of boundless service to Kettering residents, Kettering  businesses and patrons, City Manager Mark Schwieterman announced his resignation  effective at the end of his current contract--December 31, 2022. 

Mr. Schwieterman holds a Masters of Public Administration and a Bachelor of Science  degree in Accounting from the University of Dayton. He began his career in public accounting  at Price Waterhouse and left to accept the position of Financial Analyst in the Income Tax  Division of the Finance Department for the City of Kettering IN 1989. He soon promoted to  Tax Manager followed by Budget Manager and Assistant City Manager.  

In 2006, Schwieterman accepted the role as City Manager and vowed to lead with integrity,  fiscal care and responsibility and love for his community. For the past 16 years at the helm,  the City Manager upheld his promise making every decision in the best interest of the  community.  

Mark is a Dayton native who calls Kettering home with his wife, Mary. They chose to raise  their three children here and continue to be active members in their community. 

Schwieterman is active in the Ohio City Management Association (OCMA), International  City/County Management Association (ICMA), Ohio Municipal League Board (OML) where  he serves as Past President, Dayton Area Managers Association (DAMA) and Kettering  Rotary. 

Mr. Schwieterman commends the City's Council/Manager form of government as an  "effective partnership" for policy and administration. In Kettering, the City Manager is  appointed by the City Council, serves as the chief executive officer of the City and  implements Council policies. 

“I am grateful for the support from the Council members—past and present--who had the  faith in me to allow me to serve as the City Manager,” he said. 

"I fell in love with public service,” Schwieterman said. “There is no greater satisfaction in my  work than to find ways to best serve people. We budget, organize and strategically plan for  the future health of this one-of-a-kind community; but, my biggest win is an impromptu  meeting with a resident who needs a hand, and—together—we figure it out. We shake  hands, and we smile at the progress we made. Not many jobs come with that kind of  fulfillment--The kind you can only get through service.”

"I can’t thank City Manager Mark Schwieterman enough for his outstanding work on behalf of  the City over the past 16 years,” Kettering’s Mayor Peggy Lehner said. “His highly  professional leadership and foresight throughout his career have directly contributed to  Kettering’s financial health, unique amenities and the care given to our infrastructure and  public safety that enhance quality living for residents.”  

During Schwieterman’s tenure as City Manager, Kettering has seen population and economic  growth, the modernization of public safety facilities, property improvements in residential  neighborhoods and commercial real estate. And, he has no plans to slow down during his  final 11 months. He looks forward to working with City Council as they work with City  Administration to chart a course for the future of Kettering.

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