Downtown Dayton DORA to observe one-day suspension for St. Patrick’s Day festivities

The temporary suspension of DORA on March 17 for St. Patrick’s Day is happening as outlined in the program’s safety plan.
Downtown Dayton DORA to observe one-day suspension for St. Patrick’s Day festivities
The recently expanded Downtown Dayton Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA) will observe a pre-planned and temporary suspension on Sunday, March 17. The suspension is included Downtown Dayton DORA’s safety plan.
While the suspension is in place, participating DORA businesses will not be selling to-go beverages or the approved DORA cups. Regular alcohol sales will still be permitted at the discretion of each business. Guests will not be allowed to carry alcoholic beverages of any kind outdoors during the temporary suspension, even within the boundary of the DORA.
According to the previously established safety plan of the Downtown Dayton DORA, Dayton’s Chief of Police will suspend DORA annually on St. Patrick’s Day and may also choose to suspend DORA on other dates by petition and for other designated special events. The Downtown Dayton DORA will go back into effect with its regular rules starting at noon on Monday, March 18.
The Downtown Dayton DORA is a program of the Downtown Dayton Partnership and sponsored by Bonbright Distributors. Rules and more information are available at