Made In Dayton: Friesinger's Chocolates

I've lived in the Dayton area my entire life and had never tried Friesinger's Chocolates until this fall.
Made In Dayton: Friesinger's Chocolates
I remember my Mom telling me about a candy shop in Springboro that her friend Marianne insists on patronizing every time she comes in from California. I'm embarrassed to admit that it never occurred to me to seek out this store, especially since it's within minutes of my home. I've lived in the Dayton area my entire life and had never tried Friesinger's Chocolates until this fall. I attended a Business Expo in Beavercreek that featured a different type of Friesinger's Chocolate at each booth. I was hooked after the first one. I had one of nearly every kind of light and dark chocolate caramels and creams in the room. I believe I had two of the dark chocolate raspberry creams (my favorite). Yes, I had candy for dinner, and loved it - though I did feel a bit guilty!
I bet you didn't know that John Friesinger founded J. Friesinger & Son in Dayton Ohio in 1894. John Patterson founded NCR (National Cash Register) in Dayton only 10 years earlier in 1884. To stay in business this long, you have to be doing a lot of things right!
Mr. Friesinger equipped his factory with "modern" production machinery, some of which is still in use today. Three generations of the Friesinger family led the company until 1986 when it became part of Dayton Nut Specialties. Then, in 1996, Friesinger's moved to their current facility in Springboro, Ohio where they continue their commitment to quality and still manufacture products the "old-fashioned" way.
Friesinger's Chocolate makes a wonderful gift and can be purchased in their Springboro store or online at
Links & Tags
Friesinger's Fine Chocolates - Dayton Nut Specialties.
Friesinger's Fine Chocolates - Dayton Nut Specialties - Friesenger's was founded in 1894 and is committed is to manufacturing products the old-fashioned way. Dayton Nut purchased Friesinger's in 1986. They operate 2 stores that carry both products.