What Gift Did You Most Want As A Child - That You Never Received?

With the season of wonder and awe surrounding us, I encourage you to take a moment, and have a little child-like fun. You will only regret not doing it!
What Gift Did You Most Want As A Child - That You Never Received?
This week a friend and I were casually talking about the holiday season, and somehow our conversation turned to a discussion regarding what gift we most wanted as a child, but never received. It took me mere seconds to remember, I always wanted the game Mouse Trap. My older and much cooler cousin had that game, and she would never allow me to play it with her, but it looked so fun! The marble that fell into the bucket, and the cute little plastic mice were magic to my 7 year old mind.
During that conversation I got to thinking about how badly I wanted that game, and suddenly it dawned on me. If I was being honest with myself, I still really wanted to play Mouse Trap! There was this internal debate going on inside my head though. Part of me wondered if it would be acceptable to purchase the game for my nephew in order to fulfill my childhood dream through him, while me inner child screamed; “No! No! No! No! What harm would come from purchasing this yourself?”
The responsible part of me quickly pointed out I am 37 years old, and in my adult life, I rarely play so it would be pointless to purchase a childish game. However, the more I thought about that game, the more I wanted it. Soon I realized, I worry too much about how folks will view my decisions, my work ethic, my parenting, and you are only guaranteed this moment!
Listening to my inner-child, I surfed the internet and found the game Mousetrap for $21.99, and I bought it before I could talk myself out of it. Today, Mouse Trap arrived on my front porch via UPS. And guess what? Playing Mouse Trap is just as fun at 37 years old, as it looked to me when I was 7 years old.
With the season of wonder and awe surrounding us, I encourage you to take a moment, and have a little child-like fun. You will only regret not doing it!