Pond -er this! with Mister C

Watch Mister C's My Pond video and learn about a much smaller ecosystem that you are familiar with, a pond.
Pond -er this! with Mister C
As we see the world around us begin to change with the changing of season, it makes it easy to observe the ecosystem that we live in. An ecosystem is a community of organisms living together along with their physical environment. Dayton is a part of a river valley ecosystem . All the way out in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers converge, the Ohio river begins. This 981 mile long river forms the Ohio River Basin, which drains an area of approximately 141,000 square miles! Portions of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia are all a part of this huge ecosystem we call home!
With an adults help, find a large plastic cup or or bottle with a secure lid. Then have some fun exploring outside! Dig up some dirt, find small plants, grass, or even a few bugs to create a small ecosystem in your bottle. Consider all of the things that your ecosystem will need to be successful, water, food, sun, and air and have a blast making your ecosystem a paradise of your very own!
Whether you are a parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle, teacher, or friend, we can all take the time to help kids reach their full potential. Mister C invites you all to join him to explore the wonders of the world around us to LEARN TOGETHER!
When Mister C is not in the lab experimenting or in the studio dropping beats, he loves to connect with other learners online. Share how you’re having fun learning this week and use #LearnTogetherDayton to show everyone what you have learned with Mister C!
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Mister C - Mister C makes the ordinary extraordinary with his famous Hair Raising Science! Join him to explore the world & learn amazing things through demonstrations, experiments & songs. Let's learn together!