Celebrate Reading Month with Mister C's Green Eggs and Ham

March is National Reading Month and Mister C wants to encourage families to spend time reading together.
Celebrate Reading Month with Mister C's Green Eggs and Ham
“Do you like green eggs and ham? I do not like them Sam I Am!” is a familiar rhyme that is sure to be a fun time! To help local students celebrate reading, Mister C recently created a musical rendition of his favorite Suess book, "Green Eggs and Ham."
When we take time to enjoy a book together there’s so much more happening than just learning about a story. Reading aloud encourages curiosity, improves listening skills and grows vocabulary and memory. It also is an opportunity to go on adventures to new and exciting places, learn from people all over the world, while giving you the opportunity to stay close for cuddles! And best of all, you can do all these wonderful things together from the comfort of your own home!
Whether you are a parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle, teacher, or friend, we can all take the time to help kids reach their full potential. Mister C invites you all to join him to explore the wonders of the world around us to LEARN TOGETHER!
When Mister C is not in the lab experimenting or in the studio dropping beats, he loves to connect with other learners online. Share how you’re having fun learning this week and use #LearnTogetherDayton to show everyone what you have learned with Mister C!
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Mister C.
Mister C - Mister C makes the ordinary extraordinary with his famous Hair Raising Science! Join him to explore the world & learn amazing things through demonstrations, experiments & songs. Let's learn together!