In Celebration of Dad

This picture gave me a huge smile, and since it's Father's Day, I've share some stories about my Dad. What's your favorite Dad story?
In Celebration of Dad
I arrived at a meeting last week where one of the attendees presented me with a picture of my Dad, taken on Christmas Eve thirteen years before. I wasn't even a little bit surprised to see the picture of my Dad driving the open wheel buggy she'd given her husband for Christmas. I'm certain if Dad had realized they were taking a picture, he would've flashed a more mischievous grin. The picture gave me a huge smile! Since it's Father's Day, I'll share a few more stories about my Dad.
My Dad is an avid angler. His love of fishing had our family on pond and river banks for years (until we got a boat). At a very early age, Dad showed my sister and I how to slide a worm on to a hook. With much practice, we eventually became experts at baiting our hooks. I'm grinning now thinking of how many times we asked him to "show us again" to get him to do it for us!
Many years later, Dad and I fished in his Bass Club family tournament at Indian Lake. Dad was very proud when I won the big fish prize. As you might imagine, there were a lot of "no fish" excuses circulating the afternoon a girl out-fished all the men!
My first car came with snow tires (back then, not everyone had "all season" tires), and when I got home with it (in June), Dad showed me how to change a tire. He then instructed me to put the snow tires on the car and to let him know when I was done. I argued to no avail, so I put all 4 snow tires on and reported back to Dad. He confirmed that I'd done a good job and that all the lug nuts were tight, then told me since it was the middle of summer to put the other tires on and report back! After successfully changing 8 tires, we both knew I could do it.
I gave my Dad rollerblades for his fiftieth birthday (No,this was not payback for the snow tire lesson). Everyone in the family took a spin on the rollerblades. We didn't know those moves were possible and all laughed until we cried. I'm happy to report that though Dad used them successfully, he's been off the rollerblades for several years and will turn 71 this summer - no thanks to me!
I'm very fortunate to be spending Father's Day with my Dad creating more fun memories! What's your favorite Dad story? We welcome you to share your Dad stories in the comments section below.