Something's going ‘bump' in the night but is it real?
The Feast will frighten - just in time for Halloween
Something’s going ‘bump’ in the night but is it real? Matt begins hearing strange sounds coming from the plumbing in his home and this is just the start of a series of increasingly confounding changes. In The Feast by Cory Finley, audiences will get to explore the role that fear plays in our lives and how it shapes our perception of reality. Dayton’s Playground Theatre will be performing The Feast October 25-28 in the brand-new PNC Arts Annex.
In its fourth season, The Playground Theatre has selected plays ranging in subject but always staying true to their mission of telling stories that reflect what it means to be human, however this will be the first play they have performed in the horror genre. “Horror onstage is really challenging” explains Chris Hahn, co-founder of The Playground Theatre, “especially figuring out how to direct audience attention where it needs to go without the aid of camera angles.” This will be unlike any play The Playground has performed – Jenna Valyn, co-founder of The Playground, explains that “normally we’re focused entirely on the story and acting, but this play will feature more tech elements as well as all original music by Skyler McNealy.
The Feast will be the first event at the new PNC Arts Annex – a 12,000 square-foot space built to house performances, educational programs, workshops, and more to help accommodate a growing interest in the community for creative and cultural experiences.