RiverScape MetroPark's FREE 2023 Summer Music Series
last updated 04/21/2023

Enjoy FREE music under the pavilion - here's the concert schedule for the 2023 RiverScape Summer Music Series
RiverScape MetroPark's FREE 2023 Summer Music Series
RiverScape MetroPark’s FREE 2023 Summer Music Series
- FRIDAY, JUNE 2 - The Repeating Arms with The Shady Pine
- THURSDAY, JUNE 8 - The Bob Gray Orchestra featuring vocalist Deb Hunter
- THURSDAY, JUNE 15 - Big Gil & His Funky All-Stars
- THURSDAY, JUNE 22 - The Tom Daugherty Orchestra
- THURSDAY, JULY 6 - The New Old-Fashioned
- THURSDAY, JULY 13 - Natural Progression
- THURSDAY, JULY 20 - The Dayton Jazz Orchestra
- FRIDAY, AUGUST 4 - Dayton Salsa Project with Chevere LF Dance Studio
- THURSDAY, AUGUST 10 - Retrobution
- THURSDAY, AUGUST 17 - LYD (Live Your Dream)
- THURSDAY, AUGUST 24 - The Kim Kelly Orchestra featuring vocalist Felita LaRock
Check the Riverscape Metropark page for a full line-up of events at Riverscape, including Dayton Celtic Festival and all your favorite summer festivals!
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Five Rivers MetroParks.
Five Rivers MetroParks - Five Rivers MetroParks protects the region's natural heritage and provides outdoor experiences that inspire a personal connection with nature. Bike rentals are available.
Riverscape MetroPark.
Riverscape MetroPark - Activities for all ages - from concerts to community events to river rentals, to ice-skating and more.