‘The Wizard of Oz’ continues at La Comedia Dinner Theatre through August 11, anyone with brains will want to see it.
Review: The Wizard of Oz at La Comedia
‘The Wizard of Oz’ is a favorite of mine, I have a vast assortment of collectibles (a.k.a. junk) that has diminished since getting married. It’s no surprise that I enjoyed the production. However, I was thoroughly impressed by the lengths La Comedia went to provide an excellent show. It features many special effects, lavish costumes, exquisite sets, and all things wonderful. Of all the shows I’ve seen at La Comedia, none has contained more ingredients than this one…if there was a kitchen sink, I missed it, but everything else is there. My neck is almost stiff from the amount of aerial artistry. It’s like watching the Blue Angels in the Air Show as cast members fly right over your head. They also soar across the stage in thin air, even while riding a bike. Plus, there are fireballs, a twister, and a snowstorm…oh my!
The iconic role of Dorothy, is played by Allison Gabert, who fills the ruby slippers perfectly. She embodies the sweetness and fear within the character, and has a voice that reaches heights high enough to go…Over the Rainbow. Gabert’s brightness is made even brighter by all she meets on her journey to Oz. The Scarecrow, is played brilliantly by Dylan Jackson. There is nothing stiff about Jonathan Pendergrass’ portrayal of the Tin Man. It is full of heart. What the lion may lack in courage, Nate Marcum makes up for with showmanship. After a couple of bit parts, this is Marcum’s biggest role, and earns the crown as King. They all share a great chemistry together.
As both Miss Gulch and the Witch, Cheryl Salzman is wickedly evil. From the cackle to uttering classic lines such as, “…and your little dog too,” Salzman nails it. On the flip side, any character with supernatural beauty and goodness, such as Glinda, is destined to be played by Karie-Lee Sutherland. I wouldn’t be surprised if she has a magic wand in real life, as she plays it so naturally. Plus, Ed Iverson is magnificent as The Wizard.
In addition to all the beloved music and lines, ‘The Wizard of Oz’ is also a visual spectacle. From the sets to the costumes, there’s a lot to take in. Our 7 year old daughter attended with us and at intermission said, ‘I haven’t blinked because I don’t want to miss anything.’ The tornado is very well done, I had to hold on to my seat to be kept from flying away and Munchkin Land was filled with vibrant colors. Special mention to the talking trees, which were very impressive. I shamefully admit, that a tear almost came to my eyes at the close of the first act, due to perfectly capturing the image of Dorothy and the trio, heading towards the Emerald City arm to arm. It’s an image that’s synonymous with ‘The Wizard of Oz’ and it’s perfectly done.
It’s a very large cast, and they all contribute greatly, in multiple ways. Again, every aspect of this show is excellent, including the food. Children will especially enjoy the macaroni and cheese. I was extra fond of the tater tot casserole.
‘The Wizard of Oz’ continues at La Comedia Dinner Theatre through August 11, anyone with brains will want to see it. It’s very heartwarming and I highly en’courage’ all to reserve a seat today.