Just in time for the holiday season La Comedia Dinner Theatre is reopening to serve-up a taste of Broadway with an all new original production.
La Comedia to reopen with Christmas show
Just in time for the holiday season La Comedia Dinner Theatre in Springboro is reopening to serve-up a taste of Broadway with an all new original production. Everyone involved are anxious to fill the stage with beautiful music, high energy dance numbers, and colorful costumes again after being barren for over six months. ‘A Christmas to Remember’ is scheduled for November 5 – December 30.
The entire cast and crew is fully dedicated to providing a needed source of joy to the audience. “We have really worked hard to make sure that this reopening is bright and cheerful, totally filled with holiday cheer. It’s an opportunity for our guests to take a little time and forget all the craziness outside by enjoying a wonderful buffet and entertaining show, filled to the brim with Christmas,” said Beiser (writer, director, producer).
More than just a show opening, for Beiser ‘A Christmas to Remember,’ also represents a sense of healing for La Comedia and its patrons. “The feelings of being able to create again and the thought of in just a few weeks a show will once again be performed on our stage is actually quite emotional, it’s truly the sunlight at the end of a really bad storm. It is really exciting to be preparing for rehearsals, getting costumes fitted to actors, seeing a set being built and painted. All of the elements that go into putting together a production that have been dormant for so long are back up and running,” said Beiser.
The storyline of ‘A Christmas to Remember’ written by Beiser, centers around Santa who is upset over all the turmoil surrounding Christmas. With all the children in masks, Santa has been unable to tell the naughty from the nice. Parents are concerned that the elves haven’t socially distanced while making toys. In order to get Santa back in the Christmas spirit, the elves decide they need to perform a show for him, as this year more than ever people need Christmas. It all concludes with a Nativity and the traditional singing of ‘O Holy Night.
While many things about La Comedia remain the same, such as the papaya chutney dressing, sweet potato souflee and fish fried in a premium beer batter, there are also some changes issued by the Warren County Board of Health.
- Masks are required and should only be removed while eating.
- For social distancing only every other table will be used
- The buffet will be served cafeteria style with the staff plating the food
- The show is one act, 90 minutes, with no intermission to prevent gatherings in the lobby or restrooms.
- Temperatures will be taken at the door.
- Socially distance markers and hand sanitizing stations will be in place
On behalf of La Comedia, Beiser is thrilled to have its loyal guests return. “We have missed presenting a ‘Taste of Broadway’ these last several months and can’t thank everyone enough for all of their continued support during all of these changes with Covid-19. It’s so good to be back,” he said.
To reserve a seat for ‘A Christmas to Remember’ call (937) 746-4554.