A Very Grand Opening at Raise Your Brush

Have a fun, social, and creative experience at Raise Your Brush!
A Very Grand Opening at Raise Your Brush
I stopped in to visit the Grand Opening at Raise Your Brush last night, a new business where people can come in the evening for a couple hours with friends, get a glass of wine or beer, and do paintings and popular crafts. The room was bubbling over with both visitors and excitement.
The first two women I talked with were very excited to find out that the canvas you start with isn't really "blank". There were several canvasses set up on easel's, each containing a slightly visible outline sketch. I also welcomed this information and shared with my new friends that "I can't even draw stick people".
Another quick scan of the room revealed a dear friend from my grade school days. It was wonderful to run into Lori, who very quickly shuffled our group over to meet Laura Carter (Lori and Laura used to teach together). Laura and her husband Andy founded Raise Your Brush after Laura was laid off from her 12 year teaching position in Vandalia.
Laura was beaming, exceptionally friendly, and extremely appreciative of everyone's support. The first class is this Thursday January 31. The website contains a calendar that shows which painting or craft will be completed on each date. The classes cost $30-$35 per student, which includes all materials. Pre-registration is encouraged to ensure that there will be enough space for everyone. Beer, wine, and occasional "drink specials" are offered at the bar for an additional charge.
You can find Raise Your Brush across from Benham's Grove in Centerville at 169 N. Main St. Parking is the rear of the building and along the Centerville Drive-Thru. Please like their Facebook page and follow them on Twitter @RaiseYourBrush.
Please join Dayton Local in wishing Laura and Andy much success... and register with them for your own creative endeavor.