Wish Kids Need Superheroes

A Special Wish Foundation – Dayton Chapter, the only wish-granting organization located in the Dayton region is hosting the 2nd Annual Superhero Donut Run on Saturday, April 16, 2016.
Wish Kids Need Superheroes
Photo: Addison Henderson, a wish kid from the Dayton Chapter of A Special Wish, ran last year’s race with her Dad Toby.
A Special Wish Foundation (ASW) – Dayton Chapter, the only wish-granting organization located in the Dayton region is hosting the 2nd Annual Superhero Donut Run on Saturday, April 16, 2016 at the Centerville High School Football Stadium. Continuing their 32-year partnership, ASW and Bill’s Donut Shop have come together once again to raise money for some of the most vulnerable children in the Dayton region to receive their Special Wish.
This event is for runners and walkers at any level to be a superhero for a day on behalf of the area’s children who are battling life-threatening diseases. This event for the entire family gets started with a Kids Fun Run presented by Primrose Schools. New this year is the addition of a 10K race and also a change in venue. Anticipating a large crowd, the event moved from Bill’s Donut Shop’s parking lot to the Centerville High School Football Stadium. Participants are encouraged to wear superhero costumes. After each event there will be an award’s celebration, but plan to stay for the fun with superheroes from Super Heroes Closet, a nonprofit who helps provide the basics for families affected by disasters in the Dayton area and, of course, scrumptious Bill’s donuts.
This year ASW has also added team fundraising to help the organization raise not only raise the funds needed to grant wishes, but also awareness of A Special Wish Foundation. David Seyer, the executive director of ASW in Dayton offers a reminder about why the mission of ASW is so important, “These kids have been through so much. Doctor visits, hospital stays, painful treatments and being away from their family and friends are a daily part of life for Wish Kids. They and their families so desperately need this time to be together, forget about all they’ve been through and begin to make happy memories.”
For Wish Kid Addison Henderson, her trip to Walt Disney World in 2013 was an experience she’ll not soon forget. “I loved spending time with my family, being away from treatment and out of the hospital. I can’t thank you enough for the great trip,” wrote Addison after her trip. Now, she and her family pay it forward by volunteering at events and participating in the run.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 16th. Rain or shine, the Superhero Donut Run gets started at 9:00am with the Kids Fun Run and continues at 9:15am with the 5K and 9:30am with the 10K. Strollers for children not running in an event are welcomed, but dogs are not allowed.
All participants that register before April 2, 2016 are guaranteed an event t-shirt. Pre-registration for the 10K is $40, $30 for the 5K and $15 for the Fun Run. The price is slightly higher for late or day-of registration. Register online and get more information about organizing a team at www.superherodonutrun.org.
Bill’s Donut Shop, Primrose Schools are presenting sponsors; media sponsors are ABC22/Fox45 and Dayton Parent Magazine. The 10K course sponsor is Bricker and Eckler and the 5K Course Sponsor is Runners Plus. Other sponsors include Beyer Law, Flagel, Huber, Flagel, Dayton Children’s Hospital, Burke Orthodontics, James Investment Research, Key Sports, Pediatric Associates of Dayton, Allergy & Asthma Associates, Club Ohio Soccer, Goldfish Swim School, Proforma, Anne and Tom Gniazdowski and the Overfield family. There are sponsorships still available. Visit the ASW website for more information, or call Serena at 937-641-4265.
Proceeds from this event will help fund the Special Wishes of local children who have been diagnosed with a life-threatening disorder. Bring out the entire family for a fun morning and help Wish Kids escape from their treatment for a little while and just be a kid!
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A Special Wish Foundation of Southwest Ohio.
A Special Wish Foundation of Southwest Ohio - The mission of A Special Wish Foundation of Southwest Ohio is to grant the wish of a child or adolescent (birth through age 20) who has been diagnosed by a physician with a life-threatening disorder.