The Good Deeds Project of Dayton Ohio

Did you know that performing random acts of kindness in your community gives you a sense of purpose? The Good Deeds Project was formed as a community movement to promote random acts of kindness and spread positivity.
The Good Deeds Project of Dayton Ohio
Did you know that performing random acts of kindness in your community gives you a sense of purpose and actually promotes happiness within yourself? Just one good deed per day can change your life, not to mention those who you're doing the good deed for! Sometimes just the smallest good deed can leave a forever lasting impression on someone. Because of this giving philosophy, a special group of young Dayton professionals got together to form The Good Deeds Project.
The Good Deeds Project was formed in early 2013 as a community movement to promote random acts of kindness, spread positivity, and see a change in the world by infecting those touched to do the same and pay it forward. They started out by creating a website and social media accounts, hoping to make Good Deeds a growing trend. T-shirts and action kits followed. In these action kits are 2 bracelets: one for you and one for a friend to always remind yourself to do good for others. They also include custom quote cards and generic business cards, so when you perform a random act of kindness, you can use these cards and hopefully the recipient of your good deed will pay it forward.
The project has grown tremendously over the past few months and new good deed ideas keep surfacing every day. They've seen Good Deed doers leaving money at vending machines, putting change in expired parking meters, or even giving out restaurant gift cards and lottery tickets in envelopes on random cars. The group even hold monthly events that focus around something positive.

At the last Urban Nights, the Good Deeds Project crew was out in full force passing out free bottles of water and lifesaver candies. For June, they are planning a river clean up where GDP volunteers will pick up trash on the Little Miami River thanks to Rivers Edge Canoe Livery.
Anyone can get involved with the Good Deeds Project by going to their site and choosing to "take the pledge" to pledge yourself to do at least 1 good deed per day no matter how small.
You can also purchase action kits, go to their events, volunteer for one of their non-profit affiliate companies, or simply do good things for others!
Always remember to document your good deeds with a pic and share it with the Good Deeds Project to hopefully inspire more people to do the same and see a change in the world!
Be The Change. Take The Pledge.
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The Good Deeds Project.
The Good Deeds Project - We're a community movement to promote random acts of kindness and positivity.