Have you done any running lately?

Have you done any running lately? June is the perfect month for it. Normally I'd point you to a number of events going on around town, but there are literally hundreds, so instead I'll point out some of my personal favorites.
Have you done any running lately?
Photo Right, Courtesy The GloRun
Have you done any running lately? June is the perfect month for it. We're right at that point when the cold weather has broken, and the rain isn't quite as crazy as it was, and after this cold and long winter, that makes a big difference in the experience. There are also a ton of events going on around town.
Normally I'd point you to a number of events going on around town, but there are literally hundreds, so instead I'll point out some of my personal favorites.
SICSA Lift Your Leg 10k, 5k and Walk for Strays (June 8, 9 a.m. in Kettering)
Like dogs? It's hard not to want to support them! The Society for Improvement of Conditions of Stray Animals, or SICSA, hosts this event every year as a major fundraiser and a chance to introduce the community to some of its best puppies in need of a home. Start at the Reynolds and Reynolds building along County Line Road and explore the neighborhoods and streets of Kettering. And bring a dog to run with you! For more information, go to http://liftyourleg.kintera.org.
The Glo Run (June 22, 9:40 p.m. in Dayton)
Odds are, you've seen a friend or two on Facebook who tacked one of these. The distinctive night run is lined with black lights and runners - or should I say revelers - are plastered with glow-in-the-dark shirts, swag and body paint. There's a DJ and Costume contest, so this one will also appeal to your creative side. For more information, go to http://www.theglorun.com/theglorun_dayton.html.
Zoom Multisport Race Series (June 16 in Waynesville)
If you're the outdoors type, you really can't miss the growing number of races taking place around Caesar Creek State Park every year. This multi-sport event features triathlon events starting at beginner 2 mile run/300 yard swim/10 mile bike rides all the way up to the 1/3rd Iron Triathlon. Swimming, biking, and running-exclusive events take place here too. I tackled a half marathon around the creek last fall, and it might be the most beautiful run I've ever finished…but the hills were a challenge! For more information, go to http://www.zoomracingusa.com/our-race-series
DLM Dash 5K Run/Walk (June 23, 8:30 a.m. in Oakwood)
Take it from me - Oakwood is a beautiful and scenic place to run through, and what better place to think about running than the place where you can grab the best desserts to reward yourself afterward - Dorothy Lane Market? The dash is a nice, easygoing run through some very nice areas of Dayton. For more, go to https://www.dorothylane.com/registration/thedash.plx.