Downtown Dayton Parking Enforcement Changes

Cara Zinski-Neace, Police Information Specialist, City of Dayton
last updated 04/09/2018
Downtown Dayton Parking Enforcement Changes

Parking enforcement evolves with a changing downtown.

Downtown Dayton Parking Enforcement Changes

Drivers and downtown visitors may notice some recent changes to the City of Dayton Parking Enforcement Unit. 
The unit was made-over in several ways over the past year.
The parking enforcement aides have updated uniforms, with a more casual, approachable look. The uniforms include dark pants and a khaki golf-style shirt adorned with the City of Dayton logo.

Also, the old parking enforcement vehicles are being phased out. The new vehicles are white sedans with the City of Dayton logo and a green light bar. 
Finally, the parking enforcement aides have participated in professional development training meant to inspire an "ambassador" approach to their work. 

These changes result from a team effort involving the City of Dayton Department of Economic Development, the Downtown Dayton Partnership, and the Dayton Mediation Center. Input from these groups and their constituents is timely because of the changing downtown environment, with more residents and businesses making downtown their home. 

"Our goal is to help our community navigate these changes and challenges with a customer service-oriented approach," said Major Wendy Stiver, commander of the Central Patrol Operations Division. "We still have a responsibility to control limited on-street parking downtown, but we are working together to make sure downtown is accessible for everyone."

Major Stiver reminds drivers that they can support parking accessibility for all by adhering to posted parking signs and meter time limits. 

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