Beavercreek happiest city in Ohio

last updated 12/22/2015
Beavercreek happiest city in Ohio

Beavercreek residents have the biggest smiles on their faces, according to one website.

Beavercreek happiest city in Ohio

HomeSnacks, self described as a "bite-sized regional infotainment" website, says they used a combination of science and data to determine, "which Ohio cities have big smiles on their faces", and Beavercreek came out on top.

The final list was based on some of the benchmarks you would expect, including the number of residents with a college degree, average commute times, employment rates, cost of living, crime rates, etc.  But they also took into account some more unusual criteria, including the number of sunny days, as well as integrating data from Twitter through the use of geo-located Tweets using #happy.

According to the website, "it would be hard to find a smarter and [more] happily employed number of people than those in Beavercreek. Only 4% of the people here are without jobs, and 76% have college degrees. We’re arguing that job security goes a long way towards happiness."  They also noted the low crime rate, that 72% own their own homes, and 6 in 10 are happily married.  The poll also named another Dayton suburb - Springboro is #3 on the list.

These latest findings seem to concur with previous studies.  Credit Donkey also named Beavercreek the "Happiest city in Ohio" earlier this year; and last year, Beavercreek was named one of Ohio's safest cities by SafeWise. 

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