Win Tickets to Woodland Lights!

last updated 12/02/2023
Win Tickets to Woodland Lights!

We're giving away tix for this fabulous holiday festival at Countryside Park!

Event details

Win Tickets to Woodland Lights!

Woodland Lights Ticket Giveaway

With carriage rides, visits to Santa and more, there's little wonder Woodland Lights is a Dayton-area holiday favorite.  Scroll down for a chance to take your entire family FREE!

For more information about this festival go to Woodland Lights.

We've got family packs of FREE TICKETS to give away for this fabulous holiday festival at Countryside Park!  Scroll down to enter our contest!

Washington Township Rec Plex.

Washington Township Rec Plex - Formerly the Washington Township Recreation. We offer a variety of programs included classes (Aquatic Lessons, Art, Fitness, Preschool, Sports Classes and Acting Lessons) along with Leagues and Camps.

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