Corner Kitchen Fundraiser for Miami Valley Meals!

Afternoon/evening cocktail & food reception to celebrate Miami Valley Meals 4-year anniversary and celebrate the arrival of spring! All Proceeds going to Miami Valley Meals. Come celebrate spring at Corner Kitchen!
Event details
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Corner Kitchen Fundraiser for Miami Valley Meals!
Ticketed event with proceeds going to Miami Valley Meals ($40 per person)
2 Corner Kitchen signature cocktails featuring Buckeye Vodka
Buffet style small bites provided by MVM and Corner Kitchen
Including but not limited to : Pierogi Bar, Garlic Blast Wings, Bulgogi, Cocktail Meatballs, Blueberry Salad, Frittata Bites, Summer Succotash, and Baked Mac and Cheese
Entertainment will be provided (Live DJ)
-Dinner/ Brunch will be available but not included in admission, Spring Dinner Menu Items will be featured.
In addition we will be having a Raffle featuring One esca restaurants gift cards (Corner Kitchen, Spaghetti Warehouse & Oakwood)