Jurassic Wonder: Dinosaur Drive-Thru

Jurassic Wonder: Dinosaur Drive-Thru

The Greatest Little Dinosaur Show on Earth! Jurassic Wonder: Dinosaur Drive-Thru May 12-14.

Event details

Address: 665 North Broadway, Lebanon, OH 45036 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sun, May 14 2023)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $12 per carload

Jurassic Wonder: Dinosaur Drive-Thru

DINOSAURS are coming to Lebanon, Ohio!

Dinosaur Drive-Thru at Warren County Fairgrounds May 12-14. Watch life-sized dinosaurs move and make real-life sounds from the safety of your car!

Tckets available for time slots online - $12 per carload.

Jurassic Wonder is an educational and entertainment dinosaur exhibit for kids ages 1-12

Warren County Fairgrounds

Jurassic Wonder: Dinosaur Drive-Thru is taking place at Warren County Fairgrounds, which is located at 665 North Broadway in Lebanon. Warren County Fairgrounds - Bands, farm equipment, community equipment, and food of all kinds have been a part of the Warren County Fair throughout its history.

Dayton Events Calendar

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