Monthly Gallery Feature: Southeast Asia
Celebrate 100 years of the National Museum of the USAF with us as we highlight March's Featured Gallery: Southeast Asia.
Air Force Museum Monthly Gallery Feature: Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia Gallery at the National Museum of the USAF
In 2023 the National Museum of the USAF celebrates its centennial. Each month throughout the year we will feature one gallery to highlight our collection.
In March we feature the Southeast Asia Gallery.
In the Southeast Asia War Gallery, visitors can view aircraft and exhibits that convey the U.S. Air Force's involvement in the conflict. Key air campaigns such as Operation Rolling Thunder and Operation Linebacker I and II -- the latter of which applied enough pressure on North Vietnam to compel them to an eventual cease-fire -- are examples of significant operations featured in the Southeast Asia War section. The area displays aircraft such as a B-52D, which participated in Operation Linebacker I and II; workhorse fighters such as the F-4C flown by then-Col. Robin Olds and the F-105; and fighters flown against the Air Force by North Vietnam.
The museum is open daily from 9 a.m .- 5 p.m., and free tours of the Southeast Asia Gallery are offered daily at 11:30 a.m.