Samhain Sabbat Dinner & Craft

Samhain Sabbat Dinner & Craft

The Great Potato Fest!

Event details

Address: 400 Linden Ave, Dayton, OH 45403 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Fri, Oct 25 2024)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *

Samhain Sabbat Dinner & Craft

The Great Potato Fest!

It’s been a running joke during our Sabbat dinners… we love potatoes, and regardless of how many folks bring them, there are never too many potato dishes at the table. So this Samhain, we’re gonna celebrate that with The Great Potato Feast! The Temple will provide salad and a decadent Autumn soup, you bring your best potato dish (if you want to, that is! …As always, we encourage you to do whatever the heck your heart calls you to do, if that means bringing dessert, we would graciously accept.)

So join us, and the Temple for an evening celebrating Samhain, the Pagan New Year, and the halfway point between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice. Our ancestors would have been drawing the harvest season to an end and we were preparing for the coming Winter. Sitting between the worlds of light and dark, there is an auspicious shift in the veil between life and death. At our Samhain Evening, the living will remember their dead. We will celebrate them Earthside, and ask for their guidance in our journey through the coming shadow season.

We will include a table exclusively set to honor our beloved dead, ancestry, and lineage. Please bring a picture or an item to honor them as well as a story if you feel called! 

During the event we will: 

-Dine by candlelight and enjoy hearty meals sure to fill up the soul (and your belly!) You are welcome to bring a vegetarian dish, dessert, and/or beverage.

-Honor our well ancestors and beloved dead

-Share stories in circle, enlivening the energy of the season

-Help build our community’s Pagan Wheel seasonal altar in our shared altar room*

-Get creative and crafty… and then take home for personal ritual use

*Please bring an altar item to represent the energy you are leaning into for the coming season. You are welcome to take the altar item home when we dismantle the altar at the end of the night, end of the season, or you can leave your item as a gift for the temple.

This is a potluck event. Please bring a vegetarian soup, side, dessert, or beverage to share!

This is a celebration of the Pagan Wheel of the Year which contains 8 seasonal gatherings. Join us in 2024 for four intimate and elaborate ceremonies in honor of the Solstices & Equinoxes: Ostara, Litha, Mabon, and Yule. The remaining four seasonal holidays will be a Candlelight Sabbat Dinners to celebrate the cross-quarter days, which include: Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain. Find out more about those in our Upcoming Events! 

This offering is for guys, gals and all in-between and other pals. Minimum age to attend is 13.

Whether in or out of the Broom Closet, this gathering is for you!

Supported pricing is available via the honor system in a very limited quantity for those in true need. This option is for folks who would not be able to attend the gathering with standard pricing. If supported pricing is needed, please reach out as soon as possible before these spaces are depleted. 

Temple of the Rebel Goddess

Samhain Sabbat Dinner & Craft is taking place at Temple of the Rebel Goddess, which is located at 400 Linden Ave in Dayton. Temple of the Rebel Goddess - We are a multi-faith spiritual & community center with offerings to pursue embodiment, art, and various wisdom traditions.

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