The Mound Builders in Ohio

The Mound Builders in Ohio

Wright Library and Oakwood Historical Society welcome Mark Risley as he uncovers the mysteries of Ohio mounds.

Event details

Address: 1776 Far Hills Avenue, Oakwood, OH 45419 [Map/directions]
Add to Google calendar Sun, Feb 16 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Sun, Feb 16 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Cost: FREE

Far Hills Speaker Series explores Ohio mysteries

Wright Memorial Public Library and the Oakwood Historical Society are proud to host the Far Hills Speaker Series at Wright Library, 1776 Far Hills Ave. in Oakwood. The February 16 program, "The Mound Builders in Ohio" is presented by Mark Risley and begins at 2:00 PM at Wright Library, or register for a virtual link at Seating limited to 80.

When settlers arrived in the Ohio area, they were impressed to find large, mysterious earthworks in the shapes of mounds, enclosures and animal effigies. This program visits some of these sites, many in the Dayton region, and looks at the ancient indigenous people who built them.

Mark Risley is a retired airline aircraft dispatcher, past president of The Oakwood Historical Society, and an active volunteer for several organizations. He is a distinguished moderator at the University of Dayton Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and a contributing writer to The Oakwood Register.

Wright Memorial Public Library

The Mound Builders in Ohio is taking place at Wright Memorial Public Library, which is located at 1776 Far Hills Avenue in Oakwood. Wright Memorial Public Library - Books are only the beginning at Wright Memorial Public Library. So much to see, so much to do!

Dayton Events Calendar

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