Humanity Circle

Humanity Circle

Humanity Circle is a place to pursue individual spirituality, without dogma, guilt, or shame.

Event details

Address: 400 Linden Ave, Dayton, OH 45403 [Map/directions]
Add to Google calendar Sun, Apr 13 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm
Add to Google calendar Sun, May 11 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm
Add to Google calendar Sun, Jun 08 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm
Sun, Apr 13 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm
Sun, May 11 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm
Sun, Jun 08 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm

Humanity Circle

Humanity Circle is a place to pursue individual spirituality, without dogma, guilt, or shame. While you're here, no one is going to instruct you on pursuit of religion, or who/what to believe in. There is no in-house guru, clergy, or singular spiritual teacher.

Instead, seated as equals in a circle, an individual will bring a reading to share & offer how it is applicable to their present experience. We continue discourse on the spiritual topic, with optional sharing. Through personal stories, our humanity comes to the surface. In heart-centered fellowship the innate divinity within us all is revealed. It is an experience of sacred mirroring: seeing yourself in others and feeling the deep presence of others within you. You will leave feeling more connected, aware of the oneness that prevails us all. 

Humanity Circle seeks to relieve the suffering inherent to the human condition. It is an inclusive community experience — all interfaith and secular folks are welcome. Everyone is free to use use whatever language they prefer- Goddess, God, Spirit, Source, etc.

Our circle also includes kirtan, which is a joyous vocal prayer as an offering to the Divine. We play improvisational harmonium, mridanga, and more. You may come just to receive although we encourage you to play and sing along. We have instruments to share: drums, rattles, shakers, chimes, ukulele, guitar, or bring your own!

After kirtan, we offer you prasad, which is a meal that has been offered to the Divine. Prasad means "grace" is an offering or gift, and in this case, it is also community. Food is always vegetarian, and often vegan & gluten free. If you have food sensitives please let us know you are coming! If it brings you joy to serve others, we would gratefully welcome any vegetarian potluck dishes you’d like to bring.

The discussion circle lasts 60-90 mins, then we sing, and then we eat. Timing is designed loosely, with the gathering to end around noon but may go over slightly if the circle is larger. ( You are always welcome to take prasadam/food to go if that would best honor your time. )

This is a sliding scale donation-based offering or included with membership. Kirtan is led by Sam Spychalla & Taylor Roustio.

Recommended donation is $5-$15. Always included with membership.

PARKING: All guests are asked to park in Guest Parking located on Davis Avenue unless they have ADA needs. Please do not park in the main courtyard as this is reserved for tenants of the Davis-Linden Building. YOUR VEHICLE COULD BE TOWED IF YOU PARK IN THE COURTYARD WITHOUT EXPLICIT PERMISSION. Please see the parking instructions here for more details:

Temple of the Rebel Goddess

Humanity Circle is taking place at Temple of the Rebel Goddess, which is located at 400 Linden Ave in Dayton. Temple of the Rebel Goddess - We are a multi-faith spiritual & community center with offerings to pursue embodiment, art, and various wisdom traditions.

Dayton Events Calendar

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