SunWatch Indian Village Celebrates the Winter Solstice Sunrise

SunWatch Indian Village Celebrates the Winter Solstice Sunrise

SunWatch Indian Village celebrates the Winter Solstice Sunrise Sleepover. The event begins with an evening of activities before settling in for the night in the Solstice House.

Event details

Address: 2301 West River Road, Dayton, OH 45417 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Fri, Dec 20 2019)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: Cost: $30/person. For reservations, contact 937.268.8199, ext. 106.

SunWatch Indian Village Celebrates the Winter Solstice Sunrise

From Friday, December 20, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. to Saturday, December 21, 2019, at 9:00 a.m., SunWatch Indian Village and Archaeological Park will celebrate the Winter Solstice Sunrise with a Winter Solstice Sleepover. The unique event relives the experience of the Miami Valley’s early inhabitants and honors the ancient peoples who used this ceremonial site two millennia ago.

An ancient observation, the rising of the sun on the shortest day of the year has represented the dawn of a new year for countless cultures throughout the world. Archaeological sites around the globe show detailed early knowledge about the movement of the sun and the moon.

Enjoy an evening of activities before settling in for the night in the Solstice House and rise to discover the Fort Ancient people’s way of tracking seasons.

Registration is required; space is limited.

Cost: $30/person. For reservations, contact 937.268.8199, ext. 106.

SunWatch Indian Village is located at 2301 West River Rd., Dayton, OH, 45418. Winter hours are December–March: Saturday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Sunday: Noon–5:00 p.m., Closed Monday–Friday, except by appointment. Contact SunWatch at (937) 268-8199 and

Sunwatch Indian Village

SunWatch Indian Village Celebrates the Winter Solstice Sunrise is taking place at Sunwatch Indian Village, which is located at 2301 West River Road in Dayton. Sunwatch Indian Village - SunWatch is a 13th century American Indian village located along the Great Miami River in Dayton, OH. Archaeological excavations from 1971-1988 revealed a planned, stockaded Fort Ancient period settlement with astronomical alignments.

Boonshoft Museum of Discovery.

Boonshoft Museum of Discovery - Regional provider of interactive science learning experiences which enrich the lives of children and adults.

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