Special Address by NAACP National Vice Chair

Special Address by NAACP National Vice Chair

"Speaking Truth to Power," a special address by Derrick Johnson, Vice Chair, National NAACP.

Event details

Address: One Morgan Place, Yellow Springs, OH 45387 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Fri, Jul 14 2017)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

Special Address by NAACP National Vice Chair

Join the Coretta Scott King Cener and the Antioch College Alumni Association for a special address "speaking truth to power" by Derrick Johnson, Vice Chair of the National NAACP.  Email cskc@antiochcollege.edu with questions.  Or call (937) 319-0123.

Links & Tags

Antioch College

Special Address by NAACP National Vice Chair is taking place at Antioch College, which is located at One Morgan Place in Yellow Springs. Antioch College - Antioch College is a four-year, private liberal arts college preparing students to live lives of intention through transformative, experiential education and our signature Co-operative Education.

Coretta Scott King Center at Antioch College.

Coretta Scott King Center at Antioch College - A campus and community resource promoting multiculturalism, anti-racism, and engagement with issues of power and privilege.

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