Meet James A. Willis and the Ghosts of Ohio

Meet James A. Willis and the Ghosts of Ohio

Don't miss your chance to meet author James A. Willis and members of The Ghosts Of Ohio.

Event details

Location: St. Clair Memorial Hall - 215 W 4th St, Greenville, OH 45331 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Thu, Oct 19 2017)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

Meet James A. Willis and the Ghosts of Ohio

Don't miss your chance to meet author James A. Willis and members of The Ghosts Of Ohio as they share audio, video, and photos from some of their favorite hair-raising haunts...some of which might be in your own back yard! 

Book signing to follow the presentation.

Tickets available at the Greenville Public Library Reference Desk.

Greenville Public Library.

Greenville Public Library - The Greenville Public Library is a Carnegie Library that retains many of its original, architectural attributes . GPL is here for the community providing books, movies, audio recordings, and events.

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