Mayfair Plant Sale at 2nd Street Market
Enjoy hanging baskets, just in time for Mothers Day. The annual MayFair plant sale is back at a NEW location!
Event details
MayFair at the Market
Annual MayFair Plant Sale
Get a jump on spring and purchase unusual perennials, annuals and herbs for companion planting or simply to enhance your landscape at our annual plant sale. Purchase plants for your home garden. Enjoy hanging baskets, just in time for Mothers Day.
Wegerzyn Gardens Foundation's MayFair Plant Sale will return to the 2nd Street Market with expanded hours. Plants offered will include annuals, perennials, hanging baskets, herbs and vegetables.
A members-only preview sale will be held on Friday, May 2 from 8 a,m. -11 a.m. The sale will then be open to the public during normal 2nd Street Market hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Proceeds from the sale support special projects and programs at Wegerzyn Gardens MetroPark.
Links & Tags
2nd Street Market
Five Rivers MetroParks.
Five Rivers MetroParks - Five Rivers MetroParks protects the region's natural heritage and provides outdoor experiences that inspire a personal connection with nature. Bike rentals are available.