Julie Riley: Becoming a Successful Artist

Julie Riley: Becoming a Successful Artist

Hear a talk given by Julie Riley about becoming a successful, self-sustained artist.

Event details

Address: 48 High Street, Dayton, OH [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sun, Feb 09 2020)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $25

Julie Riley: Becoming a Successful Artist

Join the Dayton Society of Artists to hear a talk given by Julie Riley. She switched careers from the software industry and began to pursue painting full-time in early 2018 and was completely sustained by her art sales by 2019. Hear how she broke into the art market, how she organizes her time, and other tips and tricks to becoming a successful artist in the Dayton market.

$25 non-members, $15 members, $7 student members. Your fee goes to compensate the artist for her time and to support future programming.

Dayton Society of Artists

Julie Riley: Becoming a Successful Artist is taking place at Dayton Society of Artists, which is located at 48 High Street in Dayton. Dayton Society of Artists - The mission of the Dayton Society of Artists is to connect, support, and educate artists and the community.

Dayton Events Calendar

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