Daytonian Tyler Erwin Needs Donor Kidney ASAP

Tyler was recently diagnosed with a super-rare kidney disease IGA Nephropathy after going to the ER with what he thought was pneumonia.
Daytonian Tyler Erwin Needs Donor Kidney ASAP
Ever since he was born, no matter how much he pestered me (and believe me, he pestered me a lot!) I have always looked out for him. We grew up in a single-parent household (#strongMom). We both grew up scrappy, tough and ready to fight for what is important to us. We recently learned that Tyler is in a fight for his life.
At only 26, Tyler has been diagnosed with a very rare (we're talking one in a million) kidney disease: IGA Nephropathy, a.k.a Berger's Disease. What happens is that your own antibodies start attacking your kidneys. Because Tyler had zero symptoms, we did not find out any of this until he ended up in the ICU, where he almost died. So, where are we now? Tyler is in critical condition - end-stage renal failure. He needs a living kidney donor as quickly as we can find a match.
Willing to help?
Please fill out the donor assessment form on this website:
Tyler’s personal information for page 1 of the form
Tyler Erwin
DOB: 10/15/1991
Blood Type: O+
The form must be faxed to 614-293-6710 OR mailed to the following address:
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Comprehensive Transplant Center, Pre-Transplant Office
300 W. 10th Ave., 11th Floor
Columbus, OH 43212
A matching blood type is not a requirement for living kidney donation. Through Kidney Paired Donation (KPD), it is possible to donate with mismatched blood or tissue. If you do not know your blood type, OSU will test it for you.
Tyler's insurance will cover donor medical expenses and follow-up care. Have questions, concerns, or want to learn more, email Tyler’s sister, Brittany Erwin, manages the account.
Tyler is way more than this stupid disease:
- Tyler is the definition of loyal friend. Many of his friends have been with him since elementary and middle school and he is always, always making new ones.
- Animals love this kid! Whenever he's around a pet, they ignore their owner to snuggle with Tyler. (Sidenote: Tyler has his own dog, Daisy, who is obsessed with him. She's a Yorkie. Check them out in the pictures.)
- Just like his super-cool older sister (hi, that's me!) Tyler has phenomenal eyebrows. We give good arch.
- He is open-hearted, kind, and defends others. Tyler has always made it a point to befriend anyone - regardless of ability, where they are from, skin color, sexual orientation, anything. He thinks everyone should treat everyone else with respect.
- He is a TERRIBLE loser. Like, he gets hulk-level mad. While his bedroom walls have fallen victim to the occasional controller throw, Tyler's friends (and I) would say that he is passionate and he is a fighter.
- He is Duke's biggest fan. Please do not dispute this - I already told you he does not like to lose!
- Tyler has worked at our local Kroger (a grocery chain) since he was 15; there's that loyalty thing again.
- Tyler is a fitness fanatic and loves to workout. All his hard work inspired me to lose 30 pounds (which I've kept off!)
- He is this-close to finishing his Bachelor's degree in Sports Science at Wright State University.
Thank you for reading,
Brittany Erwin