Cram the Cruiser & Feed The Hungry

Cram the Cruiser & Feed The Hungry

It's time to Cram the Cruiser, to help people in need of food assistance.

Event details

Event by: City of Dayton
Location: 3932 Linden Ave, Dayton, OH 45432 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Apr 08 2017)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *

Cram the Cruiser & Feed The Hungry

Police Department, The Foodbank and Save-a-Lot Hold 'Cram the Cruiser' Food Drive and 'Coffee With a Cop'

The Dayton Police Department is teaming up with The Foodbank and the Save-a-Lot store in the Eastown Shopping Center to collect food donations for area families experiencing food insecurity. 

The event will be held Saturday, April 8, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., outside the Save-a-Lot store located at 3932 Linden Avenue.

Donated non-perishable grocery products may be placed in one of several Dayton police cruisers. The Foodbank will then distribute the donated food.

Officers will also hold a Coffee With a Cop event at the same time. Officers will provide free coffee to anyone who wants to stop by and ask questions, bring ideas or concerns, or just have a conversation.

City of Dayton.

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