Dayton PechaKucha Night

Dayton PechaKucha Night

Another unpredictable mix of speakers with thoughts that will carbonate your brains.

Event details

Address: 29 E. Creative Way, Dayton, OH 45469 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Thu, Dec 12 2024)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

PechaKucha Night Dayton Vol. 55

Enjoy an unpredictable evening of ideas at PechaKucha

PechaKucha is a quarterly idea-sharing party and networking event for adults in Dayton, Ohio since 2009!

Join us for Dayton's last PechaKucha Night of the year at the Roger Glass Center for the Arts! Inspiring speakers and a mandatory beer break are on the docket.

Japanese for "chit chat," PechaKucha is a fast-paced style of presenting using 20 slides discussed for 20 seconds each. The images advance automatically as the presenter talks along to the images. Between sets of speakers, enjoy a PK networking break with beer, wine and other refreshments. As always, PK is free to attend and donations are welcome. Meet new talent, encounter new ideas and socialize! Dayton is one of over 900 official PK cities and attracts about 300 attendees.

Roger Glass Center for the Arts

Dayton PechaKucha Night is taking place at Roger Glass Center for the Arts, which is located at 29 E. Creative Way in Dayton. Roger Glass Center for the Arts - The Roger Glass Center for the Arts is theUniversity of Dayton’s first building dedicated to visual and performing arts.

PechaKucha Dayton.

PechaKucha Dayton - Pecha Kucha (PK) Nights are idea sharing parties, open to creative thinkers and doers.

Dayton Events Calendar

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