Dayton Fish Fry for Change

Dayton Fish Fry for Change

Fish fry fundraiser to support a candidate for Dayton City Commission who wants to invest in ALL Dayton neighborhoods and challenge the status quo at City Hall.

Event details

Location: 4380 Salem Ave, Dayton, OH [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Jul 24 2021)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $10-$15

Dayton Fish Fry for Change

Saturday, July 24th from 12pm to 4pm the campaign of Shenise Turner-Sloss, candidate for Dayton City Commission, is hosting a fish fry fundraiser at Sound Words Ministry. We would love it if you and your family could join us for good food and a fun time for a great cause! 

If you pre-order by Friday, you can get three pieces of fish, coleslaw, fries, and a drink for only $10! Even if you wait until Saturday then it's still only $15 at the door! Would you rather eat at home with your family? No problem -  we'll deliver to you if you buy 5 or more meals.

Political campaigns are expensive, especially for progressive candidates relying on grassroots networks of small dollar donors instead of corporate PACs or lobbyists. We know that donating to a campaign is a lot to ask, so we are hosting these public social fundraiser events that build community and provide you some value for your contribution. Can you help us build a better future for Dayton?

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