211th Anniversary Celebration Highlights Underground Railroad
West Elkton Friends Meeting, the oldest church in Preble County, Ohio, and former hub of the Underground Railroad is having a celebration.
Event details
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
211th Anniversary Celebration Highlights Underground Railroad
On November 6, 2016 (Daylight Savings Time Date) West Elkton Friends Meeting will be celebrating its 211 anniversary with a Homecoming Day Celebration.
We will begin at 9:30 AM with an excellent panel discussion on the Underground Railroad and the part in which West Elkton Friends Meeting and its members played in its survival and success. The panel includes Donne Hayden (history writer on West Elkton Friends Meeting, author of A Sense of the Meeting), Nick Patler, (historian and writer on the Underground Railroad with a focus on the Wayne, County, Indiana from West Elkton north), and Ed Nicholson, (contractor and overseer of the museum-quality restoration of the Fountain City (Newport) Meetinghouse to become the Levi and Catherine Coffin Meetinghouse in Fountain City and expert in Levi Coffin and his dealings with West Elkton).
The 10:30 meeting for worship on November 6, 2016 will include times to remember those who have passed away this past year, people who were long-time members of West Elkton Friends Meeting: Robert Stubbs of Eaton, Jesse Foutz of Hamilton, and Wapella Carver of Middletown, Ohio. The Meeting would also like to thank and honor the nonprofits it has helped to support in 2015-16 not just in monetary ways, but through the hard work and thoughtfulness of the members of West Elkton Friends Meeting: Preble County Habitat for Humanity, Middletown Hope House for Women, and SHALOM ministries in Middletown, Ohio. Speakers from these nonprofits will be present to talk about what West Elkton Friends has contributed in work to their ministries. There will be special music by Brian Rodgers as well as worship led by Donne Hayden. The children of West Elkton Friends have put together a movie to be shown of themselves as part of the Underground Railroad to help show the troubled past of the meeting as members tried to decide if they should defy the legal authorities or help others who were passing through the area as part of the Underground Railroad.
A potluck luncheon will follow.
All people are encouraged to attend, as all people are welcome at West Elkton Friends Meeting.