A Beer Garden Party
A charitable event to help raise funds for two AVHC projects. Partnered with "Party with a Purpose" the $10 cover charge donation will help us to see our goal!
Event details
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
A Beer Garden Party
In the chill night air our Civil War ancestors sat around their campfires sharing stories of the battlefield, remembering their fallen comrades and thinking of home. Help us preserve and remember the bravery, sacrifice and patriotism of generations past.
Please join us for an evening of mirth and merriment as we partner with: “Party with a Purpose” - or as they would have said it in the late 1800’s: Here’s the scoop:
"Don’t be a piker. It would be ducky if you would hotfoot it to the Troll Pub where you can chew the fat with your compatriots, swig an ale, revel in the conviviality, plunk down your two bits and have a razzle-dazzle, la-di-dah time, contributing a scadoodle of greenbacks to support our cause."
Donations/proceeds received will go to support: 1) To install a statue of President Abraham Lincoln on the campus of the historic Dayton VA, honoring his promise to "Care for him who shall have borne the battle..." and 2) To provide a home for the future National VA History and Research Center on the Dayton VA Campus which shall be housed in two of their historic buildings. Both of these projects are supported by the greater Dayton Community.
Links & Tags
Troll Pub Dayton
American Veterans Heritage Center.
American Veterans Heritage Center - The American Veterans Heritage Center is a non-profit corporation. We honor our veterans while preserving the history of the old 'Soldiers Home' in Dayton.