A Stroll Through History at David's Cemetery

A Stroll Through History at David's Cemetery

Join the Montgomery County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society and David’s Cemetery on Saturday, March 23, 2024, for the first of four cemetery tours that will be hosted throughout the year.

Event details

Address: 4600 Mad River Road, Kettering, OH 45429 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Mar 23 2024)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

A Stroll Through History at David's Cemetery

These tours are designed for the purpose of telling the stories of the people who built and contributed to Dayton and Montgomery County. Who were they and what did they do?

David’s Cemetery is the oldest cemetery we’ll visit this year. This tour, hosted by the MCC-OGS, will take visitors around the cemetery and stop at specific gravesites to highlight that person and/or family to tell the story of what they did during their lifetime that contributed to making Dayton and Montgomery County the great place that it is today.

Throughout the tour, visitors will learn more about David’s cemetery.

How did David’s Cemetery come to be?

Who was the first person buried at David’s Cemetery?

Who are some of the larger families buried?

Learn about some of Dayton and Montgomery CountCounties' earliest pioneers who settled in the area.

What can we learn from a cemetery in regard to genealogy research and local history?

David's Cemetery

A Stroll Through History at David's Cemetery is taking place at David's Cemetery, which is located at 4600 Mad River Road in Kettering. David's Cemetery - The beauty and uniqueness of David's Cemetery is evident to families who visit our picturesque cemetery each year.

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