Wedding Videographers around Dayton

Planning a wedding in Dayton? Choose one of these fabulous Dayton area videographers for your wedding video.

Wedding Videographers in Dayton

Dayton Ohio Wedding Videographers

Hunter Crafted Films

Hunter Crafted Films

Maineville, OH - We are a wife and husband team who hand-craft small batch, authentic and vibrant films for the intentional couples in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. We are creative driven and detail oriented storyteller

Knights Media Productions

Knights Media Productions

Springboro, OH - Corporate, aerial and wedding videography. If you're looking for a Video Production Company, reach out to Knights Media Productions.

Clapboard Wedding Videos

Clapboard Wedding Videos

Lebanon, OH - Wedding Videographer and Editing professionals serving Cincinnati and Dayton.

Happy Kamper Films

Happy Kamper Films

Kettering, OH - Husband and wife wedding videography company serving Dayton, Cincinnati, and Columbus. Authentic and emotional wedding films that tell your story.



Dayton, OH - Losproductions is Dayton's premier wedding filmmaker & videographer, specializing in creating unforgettable memories. We offer custom packages to fit your needs and budget.

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