The Grazing Ground Dayton, LLC - Dayton

The Grazing Ground Dayton, LLC
Directory Profile

The Grazing Ground Dayton, LLC

6280 Brantford Rd
Dayton, Ohio, 45414

* Goats * Gardens * Gluten-free Goodies * Located on 6.5 acres in Butler Twp. OH Farm fresh, produce, goat experiences and gf baked goods

Upcoming Events: The Grazing Ground Dayton, LLC

Sweetheart Goat Yoga

Sweetheart Goat Yoga


Goat Yoga with Your Favorite FRIENDS ❤️

Valentines Day Cookie Kit Preorders

Valentines Day Cookie Kit Preorders


Take the fun of Valentine's Day home with our exclusive Valentine’s Cookie Kits! These DIY kits include everything you need to decorate cookies and create sweet memories with your loved ones. Pre-order from Jan 12

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